We arrive on time – Rosana


If you tear the child inside us
if you remove the breast and you change story
do not swallow it because we're not dead
arrive on time, arrive on time

If you will anchor the wings of the wind in the spring
I'll wait for a second time on the shore
got here when you go beyond the attempt
arrive on time, arrive on time

If you hug the walls
undoes the heart
do not allow yourself breathing knotted
Do not be left waiting
to paint the occasion
that life is two strokes and a blur

Afraid I have to break the hope
that freedom is left without wings
I have fear that one day there is no tomorrow
I have fear of fear
pulse and can take a more
do not give up, Do not sit around waiting

If you steal a map of dreamland
is always the way inside you beats
are you caes you levantas, I hope if you arrimas
arrive on time, arrive on time

Better slow standing
undoes the heart
do not let it knotted the imagination
Do not be left waiting
to paint the occasion
that life is two strokes and a blur

Afraid I have to break the hope
that freedom is left without wings
I have fear that one day there is no tomorrow
I have fear of fear
pulse and can take a more
do not give up, Do not sit around waiting

Only if you can you just paying
if you shoot and kill outside inside
Will arrive when you go beyond the attempt
arrive on time, arrive on time

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