They continue to tour, presenting Impossibility of the Phenomenon. With many new dates, you can see the full list on their website – concerts section.
Nothing seems enough and other good songs were left out of this, Your first job. Today we take to select Nothing seems enough, extracted On Mars, as one of the protagonists of the day.
As you may have seen in itsaso we have been “algo dormidos” lately. we are back…
The boys Caffeina, in full promotion of his first full-length Impossibility of the phenomenon, They stopped in Seville (20-11-2010), where they floated one of their emblematic songs and which is, turn, one of the ones I like the most: Law of universal gravitation. This time in acoustic format.
The engine starts up the gear and machinery required to present and bring all the corners the first work of Miss Caffeina has already begun to turn.
The boys Caffeina, low production Ricky Falkner, presented in late October Impossibility of the Phenomenon, his first great album which includes 11 topics.
The advance is called Captain next week and plan to submit the video.
Después de unas vacaciones llenas de música, de pelis, de amigos , deambular y dejarse llevar en Londres, el regreso a llega de la mano de Miss Caffeina, con uno de los conciertos que andaba esperando.
El grupo sigue presentando sus canciones en directo antes de meterse de lleno en lo que previsiblemente sera, en este 2010, su primer trabajo discográfico. Eso es lo que ellos comentan.
Para mi, todo el material que han presentado hasta ahora, me parece que habla por si solo y no necesita de un lavado de cara, pero si con esos los chicos Caffeina consiguen despegar definitivamente y hacer un punto y aparte para seguir con su carrera, pues genial, bienvenido sea.
Por suerte para mi biblioteca personal y para mi, Carousel and Magnetic están dentro y eso queda, Intocable.
si todavía no conoces a Miss Caffeina te dejo con una entrada de ellos, para refrescar memorias.
It's funny how the songs come and go, own life cycles. The parked and the magic of music alone makes relive again. By doing, discover new nuances, new notes that bind new sensations.
Is something like that away in the distance and then come back and, in reuniting, a blast of euphoria invades.
This is what happened to me recently, another day in the subway, with this song.
As always happens in the first months of the year, musical agenda full of events and concerts. The first months, musically, son muy productivos y en esa época asisto a una buena parte del grueso de conciertos anuales.
Miss Caffeina es uno de los grupos que veré en directo en la Sala Apolo 2 Barcelona, the next March. If you have time and you happen to see their event is the day 19 March to 21.00 hours 9 euros.
The group, following the line previously drawn, just put free circulating Magnetic. You can download it free from their website
I advise you a few minutes and you miss a turn around there, its Web, The material bajar. There you will find Magnetic and also Carousel, job that I met and also available for download.
Of the four available downloads, Creative Destruction, On Mars, Carousel and Magnetic, there is a song called Nothing seems enough, extracted from On Mars, or I really like the acoustic version of Paper Boat of Creative Destruction.
Besides the web, as usual, I can keep track in MySpace. If they had been gustan ANIMAS, see you at Apollo.
Miss Caffeine He continues to promote his latest work in several Spanish cities and in some of these dates you will be able to see him with Zahara, quien colabora en 3 issues Carousel.
Zahara has been in charge of the album cover photo and you can listen to it, doing the choirs, in Pildoras, touch the ground and Todos temblando.
If you don't know them yet, you can keep track of them through myspace or in your official website, where you can also download their recording works for free, continuing with the policy they have maintained since their inception.
Carousel Tracks – Miss Caffeine
01 – Carousel
02 – Pills
03 – All Trembling
04 – Touch the Ground
05 – The Mission