Now that Tontxu se ha reconciliado con el mundo cibernético y que el Pampero, from my perception, has taken his anger with the world, I reconciled with the desire to make entries of my favorite Spanish singer. That you have to touch my fiber facility, years, with their songs, in many different situations. If you look back, Tontxu musical footprint, presents intense in small and big stories, burned so many times, situations experienced in these unforgettable. Tremendous or what is the same: precious footprint.
The Spanish singer, if memory does not fail and the truth, I get to the music through a guitar given to him by Moncho Borrajo. Musically national en Freedom 8, in Madrid, with a whole troupe of Spanish real good and great musicians that although today, not have that perception, leave an important mark on the Spanish music scene.
For many different stages Tontxu personal past. It is extracted by plunging into his musical career. There is a before and after Basic (2001). This can be seen in the rhythm of the songs, in his lyrics and message. Since that initial Sold (1997), via Heart mundanza (1998) or the extraordinary With a song in the teeth (2000), we find songs like Not worth it, With a song in the teeth, The root, If this ends, Volvería a tropezar en esa piedra, Something you the The Middle.
Trying to make a memory exercise to compare the second or third work of an artist who had so many good songs together, y que este no fuera su álbum debut. A mi cabeza, name does not come any more.
Then came the turn, the jump, with Contact with reality (2004) and Strings vowels and consonants (2005), up to In the Name of the Father (2008), his latest studio.
For years, when someone special has appeared in my way, whether for a few hours or to stay and not go, when I had the chance to connect musically and start sharing music, songs and groups, beers and gin and tonics, de grabar cd’s y de enviar canciones, Basic has been guarded like a treasure. Tesoro a mostrar. Silly, truth? that's me…one tontainas.
Basic was accompanied by a DVD, lasting 100 minutes, which included an exclusive interview, el making off y unos bocetos. On that occasion, Olga Cerpa, Antonio Vega and kepa Junkera recording clothed.
Shortly due to be published this Solo Tontxu, his eighth album. Da la sensación que, desde Argentina y con otros aires, promises to retrieve the best Tontxu. That boy close…that they fell asleep in the arms of any muse, and now reawakens.
This is my Basics of Tontxu, as amended 2011, with 21 tracks. Beautiful songs and lyrics, no expiration date.
It will be available 48 hours. After that time you can listen on line.
Tontxu – Basic (2011)
01 | I'll love you better | |
02 | Thirty-odd | |
03 | Back | |
04 | Risk | |
05 | Fire off | |
06 | To touch the sky | |
07 | Not worth it | |
08 | Heart mundanza | |
09 | Lie | |
10 | Madrid-Barcelona | |
11 | With a song in the teeth | |
12 | Sailor Madrid | |
13 | The root | |
14 | Angel on tiptoe | |
15 | The other side of love | |
16 | Chueca | |
17 | Everyone Says I Love You | |
18 | We color | |
19 | In the middle | |
20 | Understand | |
21 | If this ends |
If you feel alone, have lovesickness, have left you without a reason, can not find your place in this world, etc
If ultimately, need to mourn burst to begin to heal your wounds….
Do not hesitate!!! Put on your headphones and listen to the lyrics of these songs. after, perhaps after, can go outside again, and rise from your ashes like a phoenix.
Scars remind us of where we came, but do not tell us where to go.
Many thanks Pau. What a great job the whole uploading.
I agree with everything you say. How right in this text!!!!
I love Tontxu.
That good work. I hope you know Tontxu appreciate the effort to write and publish a post of this size.
Pau kaixo. You cojonudo….
I do not remember the past before you, no,
love you better, because too much and it is a mistake, Look at me, crying like a child, contradicting, wondering, with whom you will be if you go or not to go back and falling asleep alone with you.
Beautiful lyrics, beautiful song…. analyzes.
Gorgeous!! thanks
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks….
thank you very much
Que bonito leer esto de Tontxu y más bonito aún que después de tanto tiempo las canciones continúen disponibles online.
Los comentarios son muy bonitos, sobre todo el primero donde se aprecia dolor y a su vez agradecimiento. Cuanta sensibilidad oculta.
de tanto en tanto sigo entrando aquí para escuchar estas canciones, y mira que han pasado años….
thanks, amigo catalán!!
I don't know how long it has been since this post was written, but I just read it in May 2021 and I don't even know what to say.
Your comments and the initial text are an encouragement to continue creating and sharing, I was going to say songs but it is not exact, sharing what I live through texts, phrases, ideas, concepts and a stoic philosophy of life that would be meaningless without you.
From all my heart, on behalf of my children, my wife and all my family, Thank you for listening and reading between the lines those little songs that I have been sharing with you for almost 25 years old. It makes me very happy to read you.
Now touch INVENTAL, if you want to know what it is and participate in this new project, search our networks, writing…: Tontxu / invental