Via error500 I found out about the news. Without a doubt bad news since it's been a while since Razorback 2 It had become my favorite server.. I leave you with the note:
Today we had breakfast with very bad news for users of eMule and any other client on the network eDonkey, the server Razorback 2 has been closed by the Belgian and Swiss authorities (Luck).
The operation has been promoted by the MPA (Motion Picture Association) and, In addition to the closure of Razorback 2, has led to the arrest of its administrator. THE MPA alleges that, plus copyrighted content, on this server child pornography or videos of terrorist training were exchanged (!!¡¡).
Given this type of news, It is worth remembering that servers eDonekey How was it Razorback 2, They do not host any type of content, They only index those that users actually share. It is also worth noting the “moral justification” with which the content industry will justify its police fight against the exchange: saving ourselves from child pornography and fighting terrorism by closing the eMule.