volver a volar


Y sentirse como flor marchitada.

Como semilla que nunca verá la luz.

Recover movement and the thread of sanity

Yes, what sanity have I ever had?.

I'm still here, like this new day.

Speaking with the reason that comes and goes.

The balance shows me that we cannot

judge what is right and what is wrong.

I find sanity again when we say goodbye

thinking that in this long goodbye, that is forever,

flooding my heart already.

It just happened and I'm already saying

I need a new opportunity.

Love that is like a skein that gets tangled and tangled.

Doors open to let you in

and check that a simple game you wanted to play.


of the silence inside me to light the flame again.

Like the rain that wets my reason.

Like the meaning that I can't find

and I look for it in any corner.

Find someone to snuggle between

songs and kisses, timeless, without reproaches.

Someone light this bonfire and

turns it off again. You smile.

All the time is not enough.

Love that is not love. Love that was born in me.

Of desire, of the truth.

Recover the sense that you made me abandon.


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