Everyone knows my weakness for Andrés Suárez, is nothing new. We've both grown together, along these years, in all respects. I can not remember the times I have seen live, the times we've met in bars, in all types of premises, sharing songs in different rooms, emotions, moments and cups. From those small intimate concerts in l’Astrolabi, at room Monastery. In Madrid with friends in the Barcelona, 8, via Cabaret Berlin the accompanying Tontxu in the Vivaldi room.
Andrés Suárez, despite his youth, to mature quickly and hand giving experience doing hundreds of direct here and there, with that precious repertoire as partner, implacable, inexhaustible. Now he has embarked on a project to make one of his dreams: a live album. This will be his third full-length album after publish 2011, When the tide again. Do so at production Alfonso Perez and co-production and sound of nothing more and nothing less than Peter Walsh who has worked as a producer and engineer for Alphaville, Peter Gabriel, Silent Running and ultimately producing discs Scott Walker.
Musically I like more the more uncontrolled vocally Andrés, a little more energetic and alive. But I understand that this is a special situation, where you had to have everything under control and everything was calculated to the millimeter. The resulting clear sound, transparent where Andrew's voice is where it should be and where it is wrapped by the entourage of musicians and string.
Will be released in spring MORAIMA, the first live album by Andrés Suárez. The advancement of this new project is Numbers Cardinal, Ways song belonging to a wave breaking, and that made him very popular. This is the video, I hope you enjoy.
Cardinal Numbers Video, Moraima, Andrés Suárez