Nena Daconte confirma que su segundo trabajo seguira fiel al primero

Nena Daconte

Kim Fanlo and Mai Meneses continue to tour and, also, working on what will be his second job after the successful He perdido los zapatos.

The new work will be composed of 10 songs and will be a continuation of the current. If you have attended any of their concerts lately, you will have been able to see that the preview of some new songs follow the line in terms of composition and arrangements..

If they follow that formula, a good reception by the public is to be expected., follow the line of success and continuity as a group.

At the moment they have preferred not to announce a release date or name..

Until the end of September they continue on tour, visiting cities throughout the country. These are some of the dates where you can hear the preview of at least 2 of his new songs:

10 August San Lorenzo del Escorial (Madrid)
12 August Pontevedra
13 August Madrid
15 August Chinchón (Madrid)
17 of August Cedeira (La Coruña)
18 August Bilbao
23 August Cieza (Murcia)
24 August Cuenca
25 de agosto Calatorao (Saragossa)
13 September Valladolid
14 September Mostoles (Madrid)
15 September Parla (Madrid)
16 September Oviedo
28 September Lorca (Murcia)

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