Many people say that your best friend is your partner. Here
if this is a delusion of living in love
with a simple test: if you commit an infidelity,
hate to think your sister or your girlfriend is getting
like a barrel, Whom are you going to tell? Indeed, no to
your partner but your best friend. Only Tenemos of the
three, but accompany us throughout our lives. Always
I have endured worse disappointment from a friend who
one love, I'm much more prepared for treason
a girlfriend and I think that friends, unlike pairs,
are lifelong. With a friend, you can send
fry asparagus occasionally and nothing happens, but
try to contradict his partner in public and know
what is Evil.
So things, people always usually classified according
if they had more friends of the same sex or the opposite.
According to popular wisdom, women who have more
Horny male friends are few and men who have
more friends are weirdos. Now, with the times,
comes a new category: have a different best friend
sexual orientation. Thanks to my best friend gay, my life
has turned. It has given me the sensitivity
all women who have sought
I had reproached seduce
lack. Course between
them is a pact not to give clues
understand how. Think
we must learn alone the way.
So there is no way of finding
G-spot or know what to give
for his birthday, although
perhaps both issues have the
same response.
In the end, my best friend gay
convinced me and I have put in
practice of rotation 180 degrees. No
coital but in my position in my life.
Now in my apartment's living plants,
in my fridge goat cheese,
my cellar chardonnay and there
my closet factory ripped jeans.
My friend accompanied me to buy it
all, know which stores to go, which size suits me,
What colony combined with my skin and with what degree of halogen light
I receive visitors. The problem is to place the boundary.
In the bathroom I take stock of wipes pads
and tampax for visits? How much is incense
capable of supporting the human? Apart from the small
doubts generated, I admit that I love being with my
friend. I could not bear for some brides, it seems
normal, as his way of ordering exfoliating creams
or believe that Eto'o is a French perfume. Seeing seduced
by his nature have reached a conclusion
that will make history. This column is the first to reveal
the next revolution: men no longer have
to go to metrosexual Beckham, but will be
women who must look like to appeal to gays
the people. They will have to show released, Fun,
sex, creative and, overcoat, autoparódicas. This Spring
is going to take the woman homosexualizada. Pass.
Extracted from Catalunya Metro. By Marc Viilanueva.
Lucky this guy, has free stylist!!!
The article can be summarized by saying: “Put a gay in your life”.
Here's another example:
Suppose an owner of a flat, in a middle zone, any city.
Faced with the dilemma of who to rent your apartment: a family type, dad, more pregnant mom son… 2 years old. Or a gay couple and… dog with pedigree.
If the owner is ready, type family know that despite having good intentions, your floor will suffer, vomiting and later graffiti of children, Dad spilled beers and stilettos Mom, no quote, mud, pebbles, arena, dirty hands….
And if you think of the other tenants candidates, know that your floor will be fixed, be painted, is retained. and always in immaculate condition and with a consistent style in decorating, I do not forget the dog, is obviously very well educated.
Since the protagonist article stylist has managed to have free and that the situation is balanced, I wonder: the protagonist can contribute something to her gay friend? gays can learn something from the straight?
lol. key
I have a gay friend named Franco Nicolas Tenchini who walks with Leandro Facundo Rodriguez,Despite another amigo.A sexual orientation they have,and sometimes are very effeminate and overly show their love in public; are my friends,respect their relationship and not judge them for their sexual choice.