Anyone who knows me knows that I have little or no love for football and even less that I dedicate an entry to it, but the topic is worth it..
It's not that I have anything against football., what's up. I've just grown up hating it: in the schoolyard it was an obligation / position status within your colleagues. Nowadays I don't know how to talk about anything else and it can paralyze a country and on top of that for television there is no other type of sport since the rest are a minority and do not deserve a headline. Sirs!!!! How are they not going to be a minority if they are not given the option or promotion...but hey., I don't want to talk about that.
The news is that a group of homosexual football fans have contacted the F.C.. Barcelona to know how to establish a club and thus form the first homosexual club in the state.
Personally, I think there is a lot of homophobia in a sector like football. (something that I don't quite understand given the number of homosexuals there are). I guess it comes from being old and keeping up appearances since all that world (the one of football), supposedly, He is the most macho even knowing that gays have always been present and will continue to be.
I think it's great that these types of clubs are created that, in addition to grouping together and having a good time, aim to normalize and fight against the homophobia of radical sectors.. Clubs of this type have existed for a long time in Europe..
However, a doubt assails me and that is whether it will only remain that way., in one more rock, of a group of people with similar tastes or if there will later be a use of it for political purposes / elections of some kind.