Interesting news about e-Waste in Spain.

The news surprises me and I hope you do not run into something interesting. Providers to join together to provide better service to the user and avoid annoying and even dangerous spam “Spam” is an event worthy of mention.

I always complain that all: Supplier, of companies, Mr. Bautista… may have to open a new category to compensate “until eggs” and create “Brave” or something.

I do not see why the mailing lists in the senders because it can have several variants, but for now I leave you with the news that has been extracted from The Country:

The major Internet access providers, that service the 90% Spanish Internet users, have agreed to use a technology that will reduce the volume of spam generated in Spain verifying the senders address. The agreement, unprecedented in the world, occurs because the 84% of messages circulating on Spanish networks are rubbish, well above the European average.

Telefónica, ONO, Orange or Jazztel are some of the 26 suppliers who have said enough to spam (spam), an inconvenience not only to the Internet but also to these companies, you should invest more and more in filters watch helplessly while growing viruses that make computers their customers spammers. According to security company Symantec, Madrid is the city of the world with over infected computers to launch spam. Spain is, also, the fifth emitter of spam and the third victim of e-mail claiming to come from a financial institution.

This situation led two years ago to the creation of the Forum Abuses, a gathering of the leading providers of Internet access (ISP) Spanish, coordinated by the public body RedIRIS / Its objective is “create a framework of trust relationships to take technical measures to combat insecurity in the network”, explains its coordinator, Jesus Sanz de las Heras.

It is the first time that a country ISPs open up a permanent framework for collaboration. From here another idea has emerged unpublished: agree on joint implementation of a technology to reduce fraudulent email, called sender policy framework (SPF, senders agreement), already using known companies as Microsoft, Google, Walt Disney, EBay or Youtube.

SPF is an Internet protocol used to verify that the sender of a message is authentic, but also works against spam because, and ensures Sanz de las Heras, “the 90% of spam is sent from spoofed addresses”.

The good thing about this technology is that it is free and simple, says Jesus Cea, Argo Supplier: “Each sender has a list of sources from which you can get messages. If you get one from a source that is not in the list, is false. It's like having caller ID on the phone”, explains. “En una ocasión, el uso de SPF evitó que cierta organización recibiera un millón de mensajes de error diarios”, explica Borja Marcos, del proveedor Sarenet. The 40% de los proveedores ya lo han implantado, entre ellos Telefónica, en las cuentas de correo de sus clientes de banda ancha (, donde suele haber muchos ordenadores infectados

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