Until 31 January can be visited at the Torre Agbar an exhibition on water use: “The paths of water”. It's a good excuse to visit the tower. The exhibition is small but well-staged, so only visit the lobby, but it is enough to realize the tower as inside.
A small detail: how they may have cities that have a near water consumption 500 liters / person / day for Moscow, New York over 500 or Beijing with 666… And in Barcelona spend 116 liters / person / day, and yet we have to save water…!
The structure of the tower is very simple. Is formed by two cylinders, one large and one small inside, are exactly the circular, oval-shaped. Between the two cylinders, there is no column, meaning that the interior is completely open, allowing great mobility.
Small cylinder containing therein the elevators, stairs, toilets and service areas. Among the small and large extends the work area. And the large cylinder forms the outer façade, that is finished with a skin-based glass sheets, object giving that effect fluid.
The most spectacular of the tower is lit up at night. No guns projecting light on it, but already contains within its glass skin all colored lights.
For more information http://www.torreagbar.com/
Exhibit Hours: Monday to Saturday, of 10:00 a 19:00. Sundays, of 10:00 a 14:30