Empiezo a estar harto. Parece que los implacables señores del saco vuelven a la carga. Y esta vez a gran escala. Denunciados más de 2000 users for illegal downloads.The complaints are not exactly about downloads, but for making the download of files of this type available to others.
How long are we going to endure this situation??. Persecuted as criminals in the eyes of some who only want to see how their source of income does not disappear and they ensure that they swim in abundance and try to raise awareness with pedantic campaigns to save music and that all purchases are original.
Needless to say, I have never bought from a top-manta, I'm not even going to do it. I am against any mafia, whatever it is.
Am I a hacker for sharing music on my computer?? Where is that time when you recorded the best of your albums for your friends and made them accomplices of your tastes?? How is it different now?? That the volume is greater? What do you share with someone you don't know?? what nonsense. I'm starting to get fed up