Daniel Powter esta preparando su nuevo disco en Los Angeles

Daniel Powter

Who doesn't remember his radio topic Bad day? Daniel Powter He is preparing his new album in Los Angeles. Has confirmed that it will be available very soon, who wants to see people's reaction and this (his new album) It will be a little more aggressive than the previous one.

The Canadian musician is much more than a song like Bad Day. He is a composer, plays the violin, keyboards and piano. His first album on the market, that lleva by nombre dp (Daniel Powter), It is a good album where themes like “Jimmy Gets High”, “Styrofoam”, “Lie To Me” or the great “Song 6”.

It is very good news to know that Daniel Powter He has regained his enthusiasm for making music again after a personal downturn that lasted just over a year..

He himself has said that “I didn't feel like going back to the studio., I had some personal difficulties and I didn't feel good enough to record another album.. I lived through very hard times with the industry and I needed to take care of myself. But I love making music and I miss seeing you on the road”.

We will keep track of him…more soon.

One thought on “Daniel Powter esta preparando su nuevo disco en Los Angeles

  1. Hello. Hace mucho tiempo que te sigo, casí desde el principio. Soy un visitante silencioso que hasta hoy nunca habia escrito nada.

    Hoy me he animado para decirte que he descubierto muchos cantantes y muchos grupos gracias a ti y que uno de ellos es Daniel Powter.

    Ya que escribo te digo que he visto como ultimamente empiezas a dar mucha información de lo que publicas, que no es una simple foto y eso todavia me gusta más, aunque la verdad es que te miro en el curro y ahora tardo mucho mas en leer.

    Solo una cosa mas. Esta mala. Desde que has cambiado la aparicencia de la web no encuentro nada

    Un saludo del visitante silencioso


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