Sergio lowers the blinds and immerses himself
In her sister's fine lingerie
Sergio has half an hour to meet
Become the queen of the house
Sergio hangs full moons from earrings
In the profile of a seductive silhouette
Sergio winks at the suggestive mirror
And crushes its red mouth on the glass, his red mouth
Baila Sergio, dance, don't feel ashamed
Your invented breasts illuminate your innocence
Baila, queen dances, forget your homework
Of spending your life hiding your hips, your hips
Sergio raises the blinds and immerses himself
In the long sob of other nights
How distracted God went to get lost
Between your legs full of reproaches
Sergio will be the man again tomorrow
That dispatches files without suspicion
Avoiding the clumsy siege of the neckline
From a dissatisfied secretary, dissatisfied
Baila Sergio, dance ………………
Sergio crashes his earrings against the ground
And a blade slides through his veins
Sergio dreams of a different world
And his dream is breaking the chains, the chains
Baila Sergio, dance ………………
Letter: JUAN MARI MONTES extracted from the CD “LOOKING FOR YOU” by PABLO PEREA (music and voice)