adiós con el corazón – Ramoncín abandona la Junta directiva de la SGAE

El cantante José Ramón Julio Martínez Márquez, better known as Ramoncín, has officially left the board of directors of the SGAE. The singer's abandonment of the company's power body was planned according to the statutes., that provide for the non-permanence of its members for more than two terms in these decision-making positions.

Ramoncín, key piece of the SGAE for many years, He dedicated these words on the occasion of his departure:

“I'm leaving because I think it's time to leave, I think it is good to limit the charges. Today the SGAE is among the first in the world, plays in the Japanese league, USA, England, France and Germany. When we entered, society collected little and poorly and today collects a lot and well. I have done this work for nothing“.

Clear. And I am the Virgin of Lourdes and I am going to end hunger in the world, with tyranny, with terrorism and dictatorships. I add this.

Ramoncín also expressed his condemnation of the phenomenon known as “top-manta” and once again requested the implementation of the digital canon. He assured that this is, the digitalization stage, the future of the society of authors that he now leaves as director:

“We can turn off now, we can convert the SGAE into the SDAE (Digital Society of Authors and Publishers) at the moment”.
news via bandaancha where you can also read all the user opinions…they have no waste.

2 thoughts on “adiós con el corazón – Ramoncín abandona la Junta directiva de la SGAE

  1. Pau… I don't understand how you classified this post , or whatever you call, in “music”!
    I would have put it in “sense sentit”, or better yet in “until eggs”.

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