Sydney (I’ll Come Running) – Brett Dennen

The Canadian singer and songwriter Brett Dennen sneaks into itsaso, first, para presentar el primer sencillo de su nuevo trabajo Loverboy.

Loverboy is the fourth album for Dennen, quien vio publicado su primer disco en 2004, bajo el mismo nombre Brett Dennen.

With 13 new themes and sound happy, without any pretensions, Dennen presenta sus últimas composiciones con temas interesantes como el que abre el disco Surprise, surprise.

The nothingness brings nothing – Shepherdess

The nothingness brings nothing, audio- mp3>

We say goodbye to the last Friday of April 2011 with The nothingness brings nothing, a song taken from A Ferris wheel ride, the latest and newly introduced work of Barcelona Shepherdess.


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Stones and puddles – Andrés Suárez


Andrés Suárez – Stones and puddles


Andrés Suárez returns to Barcelona, before going into the recording studio, to further promote the themes of his first Ways to break a wave and a preview of his new compositions.

It has been several years since its debut and wonderful and amazing, This indefatigable musician, keeps rolling and rolling around the country, in all types of venues and populations.

In September presented Stones and puddles, a way to keep alive the flame of his followers, who have already begun to claim anything, after 3 years old. This EP, containing 5 new threads, has been removed from the promotion, losing the track, a part of Itunes, few traces remain.

I imagine that in his concerts can be done with stones and puddles and have to wait to see if these issues are part of their new job or as stated: “Do not want to lose these songs from disc to disc (if a song can be lost)” Andrés Suárez.

I repeat again. I know. But it is as inevitable, as a. Pasate to verlo. Is one of those songwriters who live win, they grow and acquire charisma and great force.

This time next Friday will 29, Cabaret Berlin, to 22 hours. You book tickets advance, by 10 € o 12 € the day.

You can keep tabs on the outdated MySpace or directly on their website, if you want to know about him and his upcoming concert Andrés Suárez


Lyrics and mp3 Stones and puddles

Continue reading Stones and puddles – Andrés Suárez

Plástico eléctrico – Grey

Para los catalanes, la semana laboral después de fiestas, empieza hoy. Que tal si lo hacemos con algo de ritmo? Ellos son 5, se hacen llamar Grey, llegan desde Gipuzkoa y esta semana verá la luz su primer trabajo bajo el nombre de El hombre bolígrafo.

El Eternauta

Ya no me acuerdo en que artículo me atreví a comentar que algún día escribiría sobre algún cómic. Bien, pues ese día ha llegado.

La editorial RM ha editado la colección íntegra de la primera parte del cómic El Eternauta, publicado por primera vez en Argentina, en la ciudad de Buenos Aires por el suplemento semanal Hora Cero. From 1957 to 1959 fueron apareciendo los capítulos semanales, creando un gran impacto entre los lectores argentinos puesto que la historia ocurría en la misma ciudad de Buenos Aires.

Se ha escrito mucho sobre este cómic, se han realizado muchas secuelas incluso hay el proyecto de hacer una película. Yo me he divertido mucho leyéndolo y me ha enganchado. Ciencia-ficción, extraterrestres muy malos y muy destructores, seres extraños, grandes dosis de lógica y estrategia militar y sobre todo el escenario de Buenos Aires: por sus calles y avenidas se desencadena la acción. Todos estos son los secretos del éxito de este cómic.

Al ser una publicación semanal sus autores, Héctor Germán Oesterheld (escritor) y Francisco Solano López (dibujante), tenían que usar muy bien la intriga y el suspense para que el público siguiera la continuación de la historia semana tras semana, y lo consiguieron.

For more information: Editorial RM

Nothing seems enough – Miss Caffeina

Miss Caffeina 2011

They continue to tour, presenting Impossibility of the Phenomenon. With many new dates, you can see the full list on their website – concerts section.

Nothing seems enough and other good songs were left out of this, Your first job. Today we take to select Nothing seems enough, extracted On Mars, as one of the protagonists of the day.

audio and lyrics nothing seems enough

Continue reading Nothing seems enough – Miss Caffeina

Kaputt – Destroyer

Hay discos que sorprenden y entran con fuerza. Este es uno de ellos, desde la primera canción. Tras el proyecto Drestroyer, un canadiense llamado Dan Bejar, que cuenta con una larga trayectoria musical y del cual, hasta ahora, no tenia conocimiento. Audio /mp3.

Blue eyes
Savage Night At The Opera

Quería escribir de este trabajo que es muy, muy elegante. Con un sonido limpio, con unos armoniosos y sutiles toques que pasan por varios estilos. Podría seguir describiendo Kaputt, pero después de leer a Raúl Guillen, es mejor que lo leáis a él y su reseña.

Continue reading Kaputt – Destroyer

The cross – Eladio and loved ones

Video The cross – Eladio and loved ones

By the time it came listening to the songs that circulated online and some things little things that I had gotten into the mp3. The truth is that little by little, without realizing, with demos 2009, I know songs like Are you united , I wear a cross (now The Cross) or the very good Tons, and hoped the time they returned to sound. So, without realizing.

Now, en formato oficial presentación disco, Eladio and loved ones published Are you united, your second job and the grouping 12 new threads.

With a voice that seduces and invites us to pay attention to his words, a lo que cantan, Eladio bring a new and different sound. Con letras limpias y fáciles, without looking up words in the dictionary to be able to dress and decorate the phrases, I hesitate to write with heart.

The cross, first single to be extracted, already has video that you can see at the beginning of this entry.

On the river – Vetusta Morla

It is true. It seems that we have spent centuries waiting new Vetusta Morla. Now, a little less than a month after his second work entitled Maps see the light, get to know some songs that will be included.

Everyone knows that the first work of the group, result of many years of touring and concerts, is unique, and you have to look at it as such. Wait a second part of One day in the world with Maps not only cease to give wings to the band, but also evoke a direct path without changing stagnation, assuming the risk that may come to involve the public disappointment, to expect a replica, a photocopy.

the 3 May on sale, one formato digital.

On the river (audio mp3 and lyrics)


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