¿Linux? ¿Windows? What?

Interesting entry rescue of Engadget

Since the launch of Ubuntu Dapper wanted to make a post explaining what advantages does on Windows, especially for non-experts, normal people. While testing (sorry if I write little) I found this article that explains exactly that, so, instead of rewriting another article, here are a proper translation, since normally the little initiated in computing not usually speak much English.

Original Article | Linux? Windows? Huh?

Totem Dapper

This is not a complaint against Windows. Use Windows on my day job and I know how to use it to get a good experience. With a little work, becomes a highly reliable operating system and reliable. But, for a new and inexperienced user, do not know how this “some work” can cost. I recently installed the latest version of Ubuntu Linux and have found that ease of use far exceeds that of any OS you've ever tried. What this is really is a complaint against the primary OS and computer manufacturing industry.

To read the full article Engadget

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