Revolution – Amaral

Este es el video del último single de Eva Amaral y Juan Aguirre (Amaral) taken from Birds in the head


And this is a live version of the same song Revolución extracted from the IPOP program. That's live music…


We are too many
and they will not be able to pass
above the years
that we had to keep quiet
for the forbidden books and the secret entrances

Today all those who one day dared to shout that the earth was round
and there was something else
what dragons and abysses
where the maps ended

Through the empty nights
when you were going to sleep hoping that luck would smile again
with open eyes waiting for a miracle

I feel like our time has come
this is our revolution

We are too many
and they will not be able to pass over
of the life we ​​want to inherit
where I'm not afraid to say what I think

For all the songs that are beginning to be born
so as not to be heard and in the end they will be
sung with rage by those who always remained silent

I feel like our time has come
this is our revolution
a blinding light
strong brighter than the sun

this is the day of the revolution

For all the songs that are beginning to be born
so as not to be heard and in the end they will be sung
with anger for those who always remained silent

I feel like our time has come
this is our revolution
because I feel that this
it's time
to forget what separated us
and think about what unites us

Revolution, this is the day of the revolution

This is our revolution

revolution revolution

this is our revolution


One thought on “Revolution – Amaral

  1. y esto es una voz….
    La voz de Eva no tiene ninguna diferencia entre el video del single y el directo.
    En el video suena su voz tal como es, no necesita filtros ni manipulaciones para mejorarlapor que ya no puede mejorarse más.

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