Mr. Lucky – Chris Isaak

Buenisimo Californian's return Chris Isaak, has performed the duties: back with a great album. It may seem that I repeat útlimamente, saying the same thing in the last entries, but let me give you the reasons for you to hear Mr. Lucky:

audio Cheater’s Town


It is a genuine disc. Where Isaak prints the essence of its beginnings and remember where it is inevitable Blue Hotel, to listen to new issues. While it is true that Isaak has never abandoned his style, that style cincuentero, his later works had found a little monotonous and now, with Mr. Lucky, Chris Isaak returns to add a more marked character to each song, highlighting the concept track to track single, releasing that sound garage or road, but for that you had to retrieve items from the past and dive into the trunk of the notes to recover half-finished threads of the past, others that were just scattered lines on paper napkins and pieces of newspaper clippings and that never formed anything in the desired line..

Much less is reprehensible, none of that. Es solo for information. How many artists have written something that not convicting them, simple lines that alone do not say anything and that, over the years, the evolution and maturity (in most senses) have been embodied in texts finishes, today are still great songs, many years after. I know a few…

audio We let her down


Porque no es casualidad el nombre del disco: El hombre afortunado y eso lo ha transmitido en las canciones aunque estas hablen de desgarro, del desamor, de como se siente. Se llama así mismo Mr. Lucky cuando tiene dias raros, en los que se mira al espejo y no lo gusta lo que ve. Entonces Repitehombre afortunadouna y otra vez hasta que la razón se vuelve a imponer y da las gracias por tener una familia,, por estar tan unido a ella, por la salud que le da el día a día y por vivir de un sueño: la música

El ha manifestado que es un disco para escuchar en el coche, o quiza con tu chica. No le falta razón pero yo además agrego que es un disco que hay que escucharlo cuando la quietud te asalta y el silencio se convierte en un precioso valor. It is in it's time when you can hear Mr. Lucky and let the force take voice Isaak, let you carry on that musical state halfway between a soulful rockabilly and blues-pop-jazz that sort would not know.

A few days arranging the shelves and books that I spend home. There is nothing better, surmountable anything musically, that fundirte with a record. First is a background sound, then you say goes…no this un. Raisins to new listeners where you already have pieces that are yours and finally with distance and remoteness just knowing that this album has left a small mark. La dimension that from then preserved, each listening, and forever is another: accomplice, intimate, intense.

audio You dont cry like I Do


14 canciones que no te dejaran indiferente y donde vas a encontrar temas como Baby, Baby, the beautiful We let her down, Summer Holiday the Cheater’s town. 2 collaborations: Trisha Yearwood and MIchelle Brach. La primera lo hace en Breaking apart y la segunda en I Lose my heart. Como preferidas We let her down and You don’t cry like I do.

listado de pistas de Mr. Lucky

01 – Cheater’s Town
02 – We Let Her Down
03 – You Don’t Cry Like I Do
04 – We’ve Got Tomorrow
05 – Breaking Apart (duet with Trisha Yearwood)
06 – Baby Baby Listen
07 – Mr. Lonely Man
08 – I Lose My Heart (with Michelle Branch)
09 – Summer Holiday
10 – Best I Ever Had
11 – We Lost Our Way
12 – Very Pretty Girl
13 – Take My Heart
14 – Big Wide Wonderful World

One thought on “Mr. Lucky – Chris Isaak

  1. Acabo de leerte y me has descrito perfectamenteme encanta mr lucky, me encanta chris isaak…from 1993 estoy locamente enamorado de su musicadesde que tengo este ultimo album no lo he sacado del cd del coche nada más que cuando se sube mi mujerella no le tiene mucho apreciopuede ser porque yo soy pesadidimo con la musica que me gusta y la repito y repito y repitopero con el resto de gente me acaban cansandochris isaak nunca me ha cansado, siempre estoy dispuesto a escuchar un disco suyo aunque me conozca cada silaba y cada tono de lo que hay en elGrande Chris isaak.

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