Los ojos son 300 veces más sensibles al sol que la piel

La Universidad CEU San Pablo aconsejó hace unos dias a quienes vayan a tomar el sol este verano que protejan su vista de las radicaciones ultravioletas, ya que la córnea del ojo es 300 veces más sensible que la piel ante las radiaciones solares.

In a statement, the professors of the Faculty of Pharmacy of this university, Sara Bueno and David Baeza, They also warned that incorrect eye protection can impair vision for life..

for them, the lenses we have to use in
high irradiation situations, like on the beach, the mountain, the pool or the snow, They must be of category 3 and 4, taking into account that sunscreens are classified into five categories ranging from 0 a 4.


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