What makes you great – Vetusta Morla

They continue to work hard and continue to show a great quality in their subjects. Immersed in Mexican tour opening for ZOE, Vetusta Morla, are unstoppable.

lyrics and video What makes you great.



Perhaps, what makes you great ..
not understand how and why.
Perhaps, the insignificant ..
seen in a boat nut.

Perhaps, what makes you great ..
not difficult to see.
Perhaps, every wink hide ..
the key to try to have.

You see, we get big ..
and no risk of alarm again.
Perhaps, when everything dies down ..
lucky to beat us again.

And in the swing of unmarked plans ..
cae on t universal pump;
no collision, no law, or severity
you can bring down .. but throw to give.

Perhaps, bark walls ..
and the roof starts to run,
say that the giant fell
and has opened a puddle at your feet.

Perhaps, what makes you great ..
not understand how and why.
Perhaps, what makes me great ..
to have you forward again.

And in the swing of unmarked plans ..
cae on t universal pump;
but no collision, no law, or severity
you can bring down .. but throw to give.

Sounds a drum, Rumbles on the threshold ..
coming here, attracts me like a magnet.

I do not know what makes you great,
I do not understand how and why.

Sounds a drum, Rumbles on the threshold ..
coming here, attracts me like a magnet.
But there is no equation or make any great
help you understand .. what looms behind.

6 thoughts on “What makes you great – Vetusta Morla

  1. Thank you very much. Nice song to start the day.

    I'll try. Try to enjoy life…with all their stuff: the good and the not so good…

    I do not suppose you're interested in DVDs…

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