Iguana Tango calentado motores para su 4º trabajo.

This is the note that can be read on their website.

The band has currently taken a two-week break. (coinciding with the Christmas holidays) before finishing the recording of his next album, whose title has not yet been revealed. The album is being recorded at the ASK studios in Madrid, under the production of Alejo Stivel (Van Gogh's Orjea, The crazy's song, MClan…).

El álbum, which will be the fourth in Iguana Tango's career, will contain 11 unreleased songs and their release is expected at the end of February 2007.

At the beginning of the year they will resume recording, which is in a very advanced phase before starting to mix.. Soon we will offer you more information about the album and the first photos inside the studio….

via tango iguana. Photo taken from their website for the ADIS calendar

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