
I just got back from the concert presentation that Nena just hit the Castellón Room Barcelona. Han presentado su primer trabajo titulado “He perdido los zapatos“.Tengo dos palabras: “Cool” and “Cleansed“.

Cool for the simple staging, no wrappers, without sophistication and modernity of turn. Cool for the illusion and complicity between them and the musicians. with furtive glances, winks, I don't know looks, looks of “fuck all these have come to see us.

the other word, “Cleansed”, It refers to the sound that is the feeling I had throughout the concert and that is why I am going to give it that qualification and I would also like to say warm, I think that is how these types of acts and their acoustics should be.

While I was on my way to the concert, I had doubts about how the voice of Mai live and if it would hold all the songs (Before I knew they would touch them all). I got a silly smile with the first theme. smile of “My doubts have just vanished and this is going to be great”. And so it has been. A couple of funny and unimportant oversights have made everyone's delight.

One by one the songs on the album have been playing, to which best, and I have enjoyed like a dwarf. If you ask me which song I would choose, I would tell you all of them.. In fact, this is not the typical album where you keep a song or two. No way. It's a great job from start to finish. as i write this, and once I was choosing a topic I would make a special gesture, toward “You're not my dog” and “Marten“.

like good performances, I have been left with the feeling that this has been very short, When really, as I have already told you, they played all the songs on the album, including version of Idiota by Carlos Jean which is included as the last track.

Comment that the The Castellón Room it is a small room, nueva, with a capacity for about 50-60 personas. Nail 30-35 chairs surrounding the stage and the rest standing, in front of the stage.

I'm going to say goodbye with another word that I've said a lot lately, but it is the right one and it is the same one that I told Mai and Kim when the concert finished, while they signed a poster for me. that word is Luck.

Luck since in the world of music I think it is necessary. How many good groups have started, with a bestial effort, with an impeccable first album and his path has remained in a short flirtation?. Hopefully this is not the case..

Welcome to the world of music Kim and Mai.

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