Live from the hand of Mariza.
The second version by the hand of Dulce Pontes
Lyrics People who wash in the river
People who wash in the river
And carve with your ax
The boards of my coffin.
There may be someone who defends you
Who buys your sacred ground
But your life doesn't.
I went to the round table
I drank from a cup that hides me
The kiss from hand to hand.
It was the wine you gave me
The pure water, pure wild
But your life doesn't.
Aromas of light and mud
I slept with them in bed
I had the same condition.
People, people, I belong to you
Deste-me heights of incense,
But your life doesn't.
People who wash in the river
And carve with your ax
The boards of my coffin.
There may be someone who defends you
Who buys your sacred ground
But your life doesn't.