2009 Jofre bring new material Bardagí

Now Jofre Bardagí is immersed in several production projects without neglecting his solo career without parking the composition of the topics that form their upcoming album. This new work will be unlike anything that Jofre has done so far and hope to intrigue and curiosity the result.

The forecast, if all goes well, is that in the first months of 2009 can enjoy new solo. For now know the title that will take this second job, but if we can say that the phase composition is well advanced: about 25 ideas, are taking shape around 15 Compositions eventually could become the 12 issues likely make up the disk and where we might find titles like u are in the month of u, No dignity, Wise Words the Fas tan mala cara…

After editing an impeccable record with NUT called 14 Danceable melodies and not, to close the group stage Glaucsand a first and a solo album buenisimo I make songs, Jofre seems to me that is when things Bardagí has ​​to say and contribute to the music scene.

NUT – Something Special Cors – Jofre Bardagí NUT – As long as party

I was a disco song intenso, that gives me feelings, makes me mourn, makes me nostalgic and snuck into my library to not ever go.

The truth is that more than once crossed my head hanging cd's of people like Jofre, I have touched a nerve and have not had an impact as I would like, so that everyone knows them and they can enjoy as I.

Finally comes the vein of good intention and fill it to respect the wishes of the artist (they are usually not operated anything by network), but I can not.

To finish, I want to share this song called Together.



letter Together

How do you make life look easy?

How much energy coming off?

I look at things like the sights
i tenir tanta il·lusió
always have a reason

I want when people look
see someone wanting to live
and this little boy
very occasionally
makes some nice song
I want you to see
with a tu jo et veig…

I want to change
I want to feel full of life
I'm sick of doing nothing
So sick of not get involved in anything
I want to watch the world
and feel that I am part.

You make a virtue of default
tear and a smile.
Do magic

Do they all seem different
Vull tenir una il·lusió
always have a reason
and all that I sink today
Tomorrow is what I get
Let me be a substitute:
I want out of here
i play first
I want you to see
with a tu jo et veig…

I want to change
I want to feel full of life
I'm sick of doing nothing
So sick of not get involved with anything
I want to watch the world
and feel that I am part.
I do not follow
looking at life from the outside
Why do I still have time
play this game
no one will do it for me
I have to make a move now…

And together we laugh at life
Together they come out to play
Together they write the game
Together we will dream

I want to change
I want to feel full of life
I'm sick of doing nothing
So sick of not get involved with anything
I want to watch the world
and feel that I am part.
I do not follow
looking at life from the outside
Why do I still have time
play this game
no one will do it for me
I have to make a move now…

And together we laugh at life
Together they come out to play
Together they write the game
Together we will dream

Junts cantarem a la vida
Junts sortirem del forat
Junts guanyarem la partida
Together we will dream…

2 thoughts on “2009 Jofre bring new material Bardagí

  1. Hace poco escuché por primera ves esta canción en la radio, me enamoró de inmediato, por que además de ser preciosa define la situación de mi vida en la actualidad…me emociona y se há convertido en una de mis favoritas…gracias porr hacerme vibrar cada vez que la escucho.

    A hug


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