Almost three years have passed since Amaral published Birds in the head and now they come back with Black Cat Red Dragon, his new double job and it is the fifth study in his career.
The album is divided into two parts that could well be two separate works. The first, called Black Cat, is composed of 9 themes and the second , which is called Red Dragon, is composed of 10 topics.
The album is his most varied work but it contains all the essence of Amaral and follows the line already marked in his previous works.: great themes, loaded with content and where they continue to tell stories and proclaim demands common to each song. Kamikaze, The Sound Barrier or The Blues of the Lost Generation are some of the songs that enter the first listen and will surely be singles.
As I have said before, this album follows the essence of Amaral without giving up a gradual and growing evolution., they provide new sounds, They dare with other styles and all this without leaving aside the Amaral seal.. On a personal note, I think it is the group's best album if we take into account that it contains 19 clues and that every change requires a period of adaptation, although the truth, in this case, no adaptation period is necessary.